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Affiliate Hustle Diaries: That Didn’t Go As Planned – But Still Good

I used AI to create a review blog post for the main programme I’m promoting, today, but the image it inserted really didn’t help promote it at all well.

That Could’ve Killed It

Under the sub-heading, Success Stories and Case Studies; what should be a positive, affirmative part of the review, AI inserted…

Wait for it…

An image that could only possibly hace come from it having a ‘Brain-Fart’

You’re really not going to believe this…

OK, not the exact one AI found on a free images site, but it was of someone in a hospital bed.

Needless to say, I wasn’t amused, and got on with replacing it straight away.

Which put me right out of kilter, and along with replacing several other images to get the look I was happier with, cost me a few hours I’d planned to spend publishing reviews and creating more content.

Finding The Blessing In The Situation: Discovering A New Function

In trying to find better images, I discovered the ‘or ‘Create’ button within the software and started‘playing’ with that.

Glad to say it quickly created several images more in keeping with the article – here’s an example:

You can see it’s far from perfect but I managed to create a few which I’ll use on social media before the credits on the free account ran out

I also found a lot of good images from the free sites it serches, with just the click of a button.

much quicker than any other way I’ve found of searching them to date; and many are in portrait style, so lots of extra ‘Pins’ material.

I’m dissapointed the day didn’t go as planned, but these small discoveries have given me a bit of a headstart for tomorrow, and a greater understanding of and skill in using the tools and creating content.

I always try to find some postitives in setbacks like this, and I hope you do too as you try to build your own successful digital marketing business.

Despite the setback I’ve managed to post this update on schedule and intend to keep to it going forward as I strive to make money as an affiliate marketer.