I’m in a list-building coaching programme that uses a lot of forum comments to attract leads & has given us a list of forums to join.
Several of these have a stright forward process, while some have moderators assessing applicants before admission.
Guilty! Without Ever Being There
I know from my time as a forum moderator that spam is an epidemic, but my fellow mods and I never booted out anyone without good reason; so why I should be banned from several forums ‘For Spam’ before I’d even joined them is a complete mystery.
How can simply applying to join a forum mark you as a spammer? I wonder.
If these mods are such gifted, wonderfully talented fortune tellers maybe I should ask them for this weekend’s lotto numbers💵
Could it be that these forums are run by the same people and applying for several at once has ‘Triggered’ an hyper-sensitive response?
Too many wannabee affiliate marketers do resort to unsavoury tactics like spam in an effort to make money online and I’m not going to go down that route, so I’ll have to take this on the chin, write off the wasted time & put it down to experience.
Issue A Warning To Fellow Students And Move Forward
I’m not going to let this little mishap deter me or even slow me down much, but rather spur me on to work even harder to build my mailing list and a profitable internet marketing business.
I’ll post my experiences in the chat room, follow all forum rules to the letter, and work damned hard to make a success of this coaching and create my own profitable digitsl marketing business.
You need to accept things like this will happen as you start your own affiliate marketing journey, and I urge you to view them as stepping stones and learning experiences rather than obstacles or setbacks.