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Too Many Options Equals Confusion, And Too Little progress😕

Why does it always seem that the more options I eliminate in running my online business, the more things I seem to find to do?🤷‍♂️

what sjould I do now?

I started my digital marketing career with the hope of running a successful online business with the minimum of effort and fuss – just like all the fancy sales pages promise😬

I soon found myself overwhelmed by all the choices and options, feeling buried under a mountain of contradictory alternatives🗻

It always seems there’s a new ‘Shiny Object’ bouncing into sight every time I try to focus on doing one thing to move my business forward, get traffic to my website, build my email list, and start earning some affiliate commissions💵💰

I dithered a bit this week on whether or not to buy a new training product that just launched, and the bonus of a free, unlimited autoresponder service was swaying me toward it. The chance to save several $00 a year was pretty tempting.

I took me several hours of umming and ahhing I finally decided no.

I really don’t need to read or ‘learn’ any thing else, but rather apply what I do know and what’s in the coaching programmes I’m in and apply the methods if I’m going to make money online in any decent amount.

Spinning My Wheels Again

After whittling down my options this morning, and making lists of what to focus on and what to do to actually earn affiliate marketing conditions – I found another ‘Shiny Object’ as soon as I started on the first task🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️

Just typical, isn’t it?

It’s potentially something that I can earn affiliate commissions from…somewhere down the line, but not right now, and it would take me away from the important tasks to build my digital marketing business right now, so I made a note then moved on.

So far so good, and on to the next tasks to get traffic to my site and build my email list…or so I thought⛔

Then I found another problem caused by a bit of over-reach by me.

A Blogspot page I’ve created isn’t even displaying🏴

A right waste of time that was!

Or was it❔

I’ll copy and paste the content to create new documents, spin it for use elsewhere, and format it properly, learning more about web design and using blogspot as I do it.


This little faux pas will spur me on rather than drag me down. I’ll use it as a lesson to check every thing🔍 and I’ll take the opportunity to improve my design skills, improve my sites’ links and SEO quality and rating.

Fortunately AI rescued me a bit and I created several designs with just simple basic prompts, making me pleased with the way I’ve found these tools, can quickly locate the ones I need and create the content when I need it that suits my purpose.

I’ve learned a lot about it from the Top 1% Ezine, and I highly recommend you read it too. Click Here to get a free no-obligation Prompts. News. Tutorials. and Actionable AI insights delivered straight to your inbox 3X per week.